Grabbing the opportunity of
printing this T-shirt, I would like to tell you about the languages I speak.
Russian: My both parents are Russians so it was the
first language I learnt. My grandma was a Russian teacher in Uzbekistan and later a director, so
she did a great job in teaching me Russian.
Greek: Being
born and living in Greece
very soon I learnt Greek, too. So, by the moment I went to kindergarten I was
speaking two languages. I feel really blessed that one of my mother languages
is Greek, I strongly believe that it helps me a lot in learning other languages
as a lot of words have Greek origins.
English: At the 3rd grade we started
learning English. I was so overjoyed that I was finally going to learn the
language that I have been hearing in my favorite movies & series on TV. I
still remember how I was trying to understand “Friends” without reading the
Greek subtitles!
French: Two years after my grandma’s death, all the
relatives decided to have a meeting in Samara ,
Russia . There I
had also the opportunity to meet my aunt and cousin from Canada , they
made a great impression to me. So when I returned to Greece ,
I immediately found a French teacher and started learning French, (still hoping
that one day I’ll move to Canada ).
This September (2016), I will be learning French for two years.
German: The truth is that I started learning German in
the 5th grade, but I wasn’t that interested in this harsh language,
I was already speaking Russian which was more than enough!! After two years in
primary school, three years in gymnasium and my last year in lyceum, I still
can’t speak German. I had other priorities such as English and, later, French.
Usually I understand when I hear or read German, but I can’t speak it, yet.
Hopefully, once I’m done with romance languages I will give German another try.
Italian: Well, after have been learning French for a
year, I tried Italian on Duolingo. It was so interesting, because I could
understand most of the words from French and some more from Greek. I was
learning Italian on Duolingo for almost two months, but then I started to feel
that I’ve been starting to forget French language. Also, I was starting my last
year in lyceum and I had to do my best for my finals, so I had to postpone it
for later.
Esperanto: Just like Italian, I started learning this
language on Duolingo. It was very easy, due to the fact that it is mostly
inspired by romance languages and that it has only 16 rules in its grammar. I
managed to finish the course within 2 weeks, just before my birthday. Once
again, due to my finals, I had to postpone it for later.
Latin: I started learning Latin this year and it was
one of the 6 subjects I was going to have in my finals. Having studied French
for a year and Italian for 2 months, it was quite easy for me at the beginning.
Then it got difficult and furthermore I really liked the fact that it’s spoken
by very few people, so very quickly it became my favorite language, that’s the
reason I wanted it so much to be on my Polyglot T-shirt.
I'm pretty sure it's gonna look dope!